
The NBTA is an open organisation which aims to defend and improve our community’s way of life.

The NBTA London is campaigning for the rights of boat dwellers and are fundraising to cover basic costs such as awareness-raising, printing, meetings and importantly, helping other boaters.  Please help us to continue our work.

Here are the sort of things we spend the money we raise on:

  • Printing – newsletters, placards and flyers.
  • Caseworker Office/ storage.
  • Public Events: info events like Winter Warmer and the Towpath Gathering; food, fuel, room bookings, travel for visiting speakers.

In the future we would also like to make contributions to travel expenses of the volunteers who work tirelessly to attend meetings with Policy makers, developers, councils and the Canal and River Trust.

Please donate or/and set up a standing order using these bank details here:

Account name: National Bargee Travellers Association London

Account number : 32390422

Sort code:      23-05-80

You can also donate via a PayPal Monthly Subscription Payment

Donate with PayPal

We encourage standing order donations using the bank details above – this way we will receive your full donation without any fees. PayPal Subscription Payments offers a quick, easy access Monthly Donation option – due to fees we recommend a Subscription Payment of £3+, however all donations are gratefully received.

A volunteer organisation formed in 2009 campaigning and providing advice for itinerant boat dwellers on Britain’s inland and coastal waterways